A Guide For New Mums

My top tips for the first few weeks would be to focus on establishing a good feeding pattern and mastering the art of swaddling your little one when they sleep.
Accept any help offered from friends and family and do not be afraid of asking eager visitors not to visit straight away. Rest when you can but get at least one piece of fresh air a day - even if this is just sitting in the garden. Also remember to stay hydrated and eat well.
Use a notebook to jot down when your baby feeds, sleeps and has nappy changes. This will not only be amazing to look back on but is also helpful to see patterns developing. It is also important to make a daily note of how YOU are feeling, even if you just jot down a happy or sad face. Feeling emotional is completely normal and actually expected due to the huge changes your body is going through. However, if you continue to feel anxious or sad it may be more than just the baby blues and you must never feel guilty or embarrassed about talking to your partner, a friend, your health visitor or your GP.
Becoming a mum can feel overwhelming at times, and it is important to take a moment every day for yourself. A bath, a walk, listen to a piece of music, or simply have a cup of tea and sit in the sunshine.
Start to incorporate one piece of mindfulness into your day - this could be as simple as focusing on the feeling of the water on your skin whilst you shower. What does the temperature feel like? How do you know if the water is actually hot or cold, and what does this feel like? Before using a shower gel or face wash, take a deep breath and smell the product.
If you find yourself questioning whether you are a good parent, the fact that you are asking this means you are an AMAZING parent who only wants the best for their child. Enjoy this magical time with your new baby, it flies by so quickly so enjoy those amazing cuddles.